We Teach Beauty & Wellness Professionals How To Nurture Their Brand & Automate Their Operations Through Our Uniquely Designed Platform

We are here to help your brand eliminate the strain of monotonous tasks, overworked positions, unorganized operation methods and unnecessary overhead cost.

Here's How It Works


Identify which "Touch Base" phase your business needs the most. We provide a helpful guide :

The Spacubator


Choose which Subscription Plan offers the features you need to operate both efficiently & effectively.


Decide how we can best support the start of your journey:

We can setup your entire platform for you


You build as you go through our onboarding videos

Once You've Gained Access

We Will:

Get to know your brand personally with a in depth discovery call


A Touch Base Monthly Appointment based on your brands need:

Thinking Partner, Coach, or Consultant


Your implementation journey through

our community of collaborations and resources

All the tools you need to grow your brand.

Here is a snap shot of some of our companies features:

Online Reviews

Automate your online reviews with a few simple clicks & our ai bot will do the rest. Improve your ratings and build your reputation to win more business.

Membership & Course Platform

Customized membership platform to deliver your brands online classes & workshops.

Messaging & Chat Bot

Manage your messages with a single inbox for text, Facebook & Instagram messages, and more.


Convert more website visitors into leads & sales conversations with our website library.


Easy text 2 pay client invoicing. Simplify your client invoicing & get paid faster. In addition to branded payment links.

Social Media Planner

A platform that creates & post content that's relevant to your brand with sound, images, dynamic videos.

Missed Call Text Back

When you're away, have The_Cubator Software follow up via text so you never lose another customer.


Grow your audience & know where new leads are coming from.

Still Don't Know Where To Start?

No worries, let's grab some info and we can chat!

Easily Integrates With Leading Apps

(614) 350-6177

(614) 350-6177

Copyright The_Cubator Software 2024 -- All Rights Reserved

We Build, So You Can Thrive.